I completed my bachelor’s degree in physical therapy at the Université de Montréal in 1995. (26 years experience)
Post graduate training:
- MDT (Mechanical Diagnosis and therapy) from Robin Mckenzie institute:
- Part A, B, C, D, E (neck, back and joint problems)
- Clinical Skills update
- Recovery of function in the MDT derangement syndrom
- MDT and the Athlete
- MDT Symposium
- Global postural reeducation (GPR):
- Global postural reeducation
- Global postural reeducation for scoliosis
- Cranio-cervical pathologies
- Cervical pathologies
- GPR approach for balance in skeletal muscle pathology
- Anterior aponevrosis role in alterations of the spine and basin
- Vestibular reeducation (vertigo, dizziness, balance problems)
- Vestibular reeducation
- Advanced training day in vestibular reeducation
- Advanced vestibular reeducation in physiotherapy (vertigo and positional dizziness)
- Temporomandibular joint (Jaw problems)
- McConnell approach (Knee problems)
- Disc pathology
- Brain concussion
- prevention, detection and management (2016)
- Update in brain concussion management (2017)
- Vertebral component in ostheopathy
- Evaluation and treatment:
- Basin
- Cervical spine
- Dorsal and lumbar spine
- Evaluation and treatment:
- Cyriax approach
- Part A, B, C (muscular technic for tendinitis)
- Sharmann approach (muscular imbalance)
- Internet research strategies
- Orthopedic symposium 2013 (lumbar spine, shoulder, knee and foot problems.)
- Lumbar spine management guide
- Swelling, the enemy
- Tendinopathy and gonarthrosis treatment by platelet-rich plasma