The clinic is an approved supplier of CNESST.

To receive physiotherapy treatments following a work related accident, you must either bring to the clinic or send me these documents by fax or email.

  • CNESST medical report completed by a doctor.
  • Medical prescription for physiotherapy.
  • CNESST workers claim which you must also send to CNESST.

If your accident is considered a new event, you can start physiotherapy treatments immediately.

There is no fee for your evaluation or treatments until the CNESST completes your file study. If your file is approved, the treatments will continue without fees. If your file is not approved, we will have to end the treatments unless you decide to pay for them.

If your work related accident is considered a recurrence, the physiotherapy clinic must ask for a CNESST authorization before you begin physiotherapy treatments.


The clinic is an approved supplier for the SAAQ.

To receive physiotherapy treatments after a road accident, you must either come to the clinic or send me these documents by fax or email.

  • Medical prescription for physiotherapy
  • SAAQ claim number

The physiotherapy clinic will ask directly the SAAQ for an authorization to begin the physiotherapy treatments.

It is possible to begin your treatments immediately instead of waiting for the authorization, but if the SAAQ refuses your case later on, you will have to pay for them.

When admissible, the patients covered by the SAAQ have no fees to pay.

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